Bryston BP-3 Phono Preamplifier

From $1,245.00

Requires $1195 PS-3 Power Supply or existing MPS-2 Power Supply.

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Product Description

Phono gain stages are rather un-glamorous. But that’s the point. This one trick pony simply accepts analog audio from your turntable’s cartridge and amplifies it to a level that your main preamplifier can understand. What makes the Bryston BP-3 Phono Preamplifier so special is that it can take such a minuscule signal–2mV or so and amplify it with so little distortion and so little added noise. When switched into MC mode, zero additional noise is added. The transformers are wound so precisely, they are virtually distortion free making the most of your priceless MC cartridge. This is true analog bliss.

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Bryston Ltd. has been designing and manufacturing state-of-the-art specialty electronics for both the consumer and professional audio marketplaces for over 35 years. Bryston is prominent in the professional market providing amplifiers for recording studios, and radio and television broadcast facilities.

With a tradition of artisan craftsmanship, Bryston challenges their engineers to create the finest products possible to provide the owner with the most musically accurate and reliable performance possible. Bryston has an extensive research and development division. No expense is spared in designing, hand-crafting, assembling and testing every component. Thereby ensuring the delivery of maximum performance and reliability of each Bryston Electronic product.

As a nationally recognized leader in the field of high-end audio and home theater, Overture is a proud dealer of Bryston audio components, selling customers the best audio components from Bryston in Sales Tax Free Delaware. Interested in purchasing a new Bryston product? You can trade-in any component towards a Bryston component by filling out Overture's Trade-In Form.

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TESTIMONIALS “I wanted to take a moment to thank you and the entire Overture team… for working with me so professionally and responsively to diagnose and correct the unusual, occasional distortion that was occurring…. READ MORE
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