
Record Weight Stabilizer

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Product Description

The Acoustic Signa­ture Load‑S record weight stabi­lizer elimi­nates the sound degra­dation cau­sed by wavy records. The sup­port weight distri­butes its pres­sure evenly across the record and, by impro­ving platter contact, mini­mizes sound-degra­ding vibra­tions and provi­des smoo­ther cart­ridge tracking.

The inno­vative design of the Load‑S uses the Acoustic Signa­ture Silencer tech­no­logy. This invol­ves special cop­per modu­les pres­sed into the chassis in order to absorb unwan­ted reso­nan­ces highly effectively.

With a mass of 715 grams Load‑S is sui­table for all turn­ta­bles with a platter weight of five kilo­grams or more.

The Acoustic Signa­ture Load‑S record weight stabi­lizer is made of a high-quality heat-treated alumi­num alloy. The pro­duc­tion takes place on CNC-con­trol­led machines in order to preci­sely main­tain the smal­lest tolerances.


Acoustic Signature

Acoustic Signa­ture was foun­ded in 1996 in Suessen (district of Goep­pingen, Baden-Wuert­tem­berg). Just one year later mana­ging director and chief developer, Gunther Frohn­hoefer, presen­ted the first Acoustic Signa­ture high-mass turn­table manufactured at its own facility, thus gaining world­wide reco­gni­tion and a repu­tation as an inno­vative company. With the expan­sion of its product portfolio that now inclu­des the reference caliber Invictus NEO, tone­arms and analog acces­sories, Acoustic Signa­ture has estab­lished as superb reputation in the inter­natio­nal high-end market with distri­bution part­ners on all five continents.

The Acoustic Signa­ture team now con­sists of 21 expe­rien­ced emplo­yees. Suppor­ted by state-of-the-art CNC techno­logy and CAD systems their highly qualified engi­neers, elec­trical tech­nicians, pre­cision turners, gold­smiths and other spe­cia­lists all contri­bute skills that fur­ther expand Acoustic Signa­ture’s repu­tation as an abso­lute tech­nology leader.

As a nationally recognized leader in the field of high-end audio and home theater, Overture is a proud dealer of Acoustic Signa­ture components, selling customers the best turntables and turntable-based products from Acoustic Signa­ture in Sales Tax Free Delaware. Interested in purchasing a new Acoustic Signa­ture turntable or tonearm? You can trade-in any component towards an Acoustic Signa­ture component by filling out Overture's Trade-In Form.